East Eden Foundation, Chennai

East Eden Foundation gives the homeless a safe and permanent shelter, providing good medical care, food and clothing. No one will be a destitute in this world as long as there are philanthropic people ready to serve humanity.

In life people face mental stress due to financial crisis, poverty or other problems and get mentally unstable. They are neglected by close family members and friends. Left alone in the streets, there’s no one to care for them and to provide food and shelter. East Eden Foundation extends its care to such people, with the aim of getting them back to normal. First, the distraught people are cleaned and provided with medical help, good food and clothes. Then the organisation provides psychiatric care and strives to bring these people to a normal condition, to try and reunite them with their loved ones.

TIMT has provided a grant to support East Eden Foundation in their work. This will partially finance the construction of a new facility for the accommodation of these destitute inmates.

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